Friday, February 26, 2016

Caitlyn Jenner Officially Signs On With MAC

A Caitlyn Jenner beauty product came a lot sooner than we all expected.

Even though an eponymous beauty line could still be in the works for Jenner, in the meantime, she’s signed on to be the new face of MAC Cosmetics.

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As part of the beauty deal, which insiders speculate is worth seven figures, Jenner created a beautiful limited-edition, universally flattering, rosy lipstick shade called Finally Free. According to MAC, “Caitlyn Jenner has fearlessly shared her transition with the world. Her new MAC lipstick, Finally Free, champions All Ages, All Races and All Sexes.”

In an interview with MAC, Jenner reveals that is excited about the partnership because of MAC’s ability to bring more awareness to transgender issues.

“MAC was the first to come to me, and a company, I realized, would really make a big commitment. I knew the VIVA GLAM campaigns; I saw that the proceeds were going, in those cases, mainly to AIDS and HIV causes, and I was wondering if they were interested in doing something specifically geared toward trans issues because we need funding. MAC is a global company. It’s in places around the world where not just trans issues, but women’s issues, are a major subject that you have to talk about," Jenner says.

Speaking to the color, Jenner explains: “I wanted a lipstick that would be universal, suited to more people, and was an everyday lipstick, not just a high-glam, once-in-a-while kind of lipstick. I like a little color on my lips, not a lot during the day. And this rosy nude is the color I’ve gone to. To be honest, I want people to use it every day so they have to buy more. I want to raise a lot of money. It’s very simple.”

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The lipstick will go on sale on April 7, exclusively on and retail for $17. 100% of the proceeds will benefit the MAC AIDS Fund Transgender Initiative, which is dedicated to funding programs that support and improve transgender lives.

It's True: Some Clothes Now Contains Anti-Aging Ingredients

Sounds too good to be true, but could these pieces of clothing do more than their standard counterparts? They’re cute and offer no harm, so you might as well get a little more out of your favorite pieces.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

The Truth About Chemical Peels: What Really Happens to Your Skin?

They are known as the skin care saviors that sometimes get a bad rap. But in reality, chemicals peels, which range in intensity from light to deep, do so much more than what most people think. Mount Kisco, NY, dermatologist David Bank, MD, says that chemical peels offer a bevy skin benefits (especially when they’re used on the face, hands, neck and chest) like reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, evening out skin color to brighten the complexion and exfoliating skin to treat acne scars and sun damage. But, here’s what really happens to your skin when you get a chemical peel.

No matter what type of acid, be it an alphahydroxy acid (AHA) like glycolic or lactic acid, salicylic acid (Virginia Peandro, director of global marketing and product development for SkinCeuticals, says salicylic acid is effective for targeting clearing up congested pores), or stronger tricholoracteic acid, is used on your skin, they all are applied in such a way so that the actives are delivered into your skin, working on either the superficial layers (this is the case with AHAs and other light acids) or deeper into the middle layer of the dermis to remove damaged skin. From there, the acids go to work to refresh and rejuvenate your skin by exfoliating away damaged skin cells. “With something like a tricholoracetic acid (TCA) peel, there’s a dramatic improvement in the skin because lines, age spots and scars will have been reduced in appearance,” says Dr. Bank.

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Once the peel is put on your skin, it can stay on for a few minutes or a bit longer. You may feel some stinging, burning or discomfort during a peel (the stronger the peel, the more you may feel), which means the acids are working their magic. This can last until the peel is neutralized (some peels are self-neutralizing), which can happen in a few seconds or a few minutes. The whole process from start to finish can take, on average, one to 10 minutes.

In the coming hours and days following a peel, skin redness and peeling can occur, too. Peandro says the response to a peel is based on both the peel itself and your skin. “Peels can differ in strength and composition and skin types can react differently to any given peel. The type of acid used, the percentage and the concentration all determine the levels of sensitivity.” The deeper and stronger peels exfoliate multiple skin layers, temporarily leaving the skin red, scaly and peeling, and even with a tight or swollen feeling. “Some peels, like glycolic and lactic acid types, are known to be more hydrating, so there’s less redness and dryness,” says Dr. Bank.

Once your skin has healed from any redness and peeling, you’re left with skin that’s smooth, clear and radiant with less noticeable pores and better skin tone—your skin is pretty much flawless.

A Talc-Free Powder That Does Everything

Talc is having a pretty bad week. In an unprecedented case, a Missouri court has ordered Johnson & Johnson to pay $72 million to a woman who claimed that the talc in her baby powder caused fatal ovarian cancer.

Whether you believe it’s a bad ingredient or not, Farmaesthetics High Cotton Body Dust ($27) does so many amazing—and multitasking—things…plus, it’s talc-free to boot (it also doesn’t have zinc stearate, which doesn’t harm skin if topically applied but can be harmful if inhaled). Founder (and seventh-generation farmer) Brenda Brock created the formula for her grandmother to use in the humid Texas heat to keep her “high and dry.”

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The herbal portion has a really soft-clean, feminine scent and is powered by ground-up lavender buds, thyme flowers and sage—all of which pack natural antimicrobial, antifungal and antiperspirant properties. It also works really well as a dusting body-dusting powder to keep skin dry, an underarm deodorant and even a foot powder. It’s so easy to use (there’s no clouds of powder going everywhere) that you can discreetly reapply during the day or post-workout.

Ask Dr. Bailey: How to Treat Deep Vertical Chest Wrinkles

Chest Wrinkles_main


skin care answers from a dermatologist on the webI was asked by a blog reader if I prescribe tretinoin (Retin-A) to treat one of the most common aging skin problems on the chest – deep wrinkles. In this area, skin is often also covered with red and brown blotchy color, crinkles, and crepey wrinkles. These same issues are true for the neck as well.


Dr. Bailey,

I, like the other commentators, have benefited a lot from your advice. I really appreciate how detailed your guidance is, especially for someone like me who has an intense case of rosacea.

Regarding this discussion on retinoids, how do you feel about their use on the neck and chest? I have deep vertical chest wrinkles – I think from sleeping on my side as well as sun exposure. I have used an OTC Neutrogena product which contains retinol for over a year, and I don’t think it has lessened the depth or the number of wrinkles. Would using a prescription product have more of a chance of success?

Thanks for your time! 


Since this is an issue many people face, I want to share my dermatologist recommendations for the best anti-aging skin care for the neck and chest.

Hello Sophie,

Thank you for telling me that my advice has helped! Regarding the chest lines and neck, yes, I commonly have my patients use tretinoin in these areas. I consider it an important part of the most powerful skin care routine to fight aging neck and chest skin. People often focus on their facial skin care, but it is important to include the neck and chest in treatments because the face, neck and chest are often seen in one vision when we wear the most common types of shirts.

Tretinoin works nicely to improve the appearance of the neck and chest skin. For more information on exactly how tretinoin works, read “How to Correctly Use Retin-A Tretinoin for Anti-Aging and Acne Skin Care.” That said, those vertical lines are often very deep and don’t budge easily with skin care products alone. Importantly though, the skin texture and color improves, which makes the lines less noticeable. Also, bright and clear skin reflects light better so textural details are less apparent to the eye.

Retinol Intensive Anti-Wrinkle Night Cream

Retinol Intensive Anti-Wrinkle Night Cream

It is important to know that a person’s ability to tolerate tretinoin on these areas will vary. For some people, it causes redness and irritation that they just can’t work through. Other people find it a breeze. I myself have used it on my chest and neck for 30ish years without any problem. Ideally, I work my patients up to the 0.1% gradually. I think that waiting the 15+ minutes after skin has been wet really makes a difference. Also, if one has night sweats and lots of fine skin folds that get sweaty, it may make tolerance difficult. For  people who can’t tolerate tretinoin or who don’t have a prescription, my Retinol Intensive Anti-Wrinkle Night Cream is in a class all its own for non-prescription retinoid products. It is very strong and formulated by a pharmaceutical lab and chemist to give you the highest retinoid benefits without a prescription. It is a great way to start treating this area.

Zinc oxide sunscreens must also be used daily to protect tretinoin and retinol-treated skin. This is important to prevent the undoing of all the good work these ingredients and other products and procedures you embrace in your fight against skin aging.

Glytone Body Lotion

Glytone Body Lotion

Again, understand this area often needs lots of encouragement to improve and resist aging. In addition to tretinoin, I also have my patients apply Glytone Body Lotion to the area twice a week if there is no retinoid dermatitis and if they can tolerate it without stinging. I start either the glycolic acid or the retinoid, and once the skin has adjusted, we add the other. This process usually takes about a month.

In addition to the skin care routine I just mentioned, we often include our best technology to counter skin aging on the chest and neck too. It is really that important. We use BBL (IPL) routinely to treat the neck and chest. In fact, I am so adamant about treating the neck and chest that I  have priced our BBL treatment packages to give patients the best financial discount if they choose to treat the neck and chest at the same time as the face! I want patients to do an initial series of 3-5 monthly treatments to get the skin where we want it followed by then 2 treatments a year.

For those vertical chest wrinkles and for turkey neck, our BBL also has a skin tightening setting we can add to this BBL package; ask our doctors about adding SkinTyte treatment for the low face, neck and chest to tighten the skin here a bit. We give patients a very nice pricing discount for making these choices because these areas are usually seen in one view with the most common fashions, and our goal is to have the skin looking nice overall.

We also routinely use our Profractional Laser Treatments on the neck and chest to fight the wrinkles and crinkly skin. I recommend two treatments done at 6 week intervals, and then one treatment done annually. My aesthetician can even do microdermabrasion and peels to maintain results and help products penetrate better. We add these to maintenance facials to multitask skin into looking great all year long. Know that laser and BBL (IPL) can only be done when a person is not tan and will not be going into the sun. Not every skin type is a candidate for these technologies, and darker skin complexions often need pre-treatment with pigment lightening products including tretinoin!

If you are local, come in for a consult and let us set up a comprehensive Laser, Light and Tyte program for you. We love fixing skin! Click here to call for an appointment.

I personally avail myself of all-of-the-above, and my 57-year-old previously sun baked type II chest and neck look okay for an old blonde gal! However, it does take work to counter nature in this anatomic area. That’s the fun of it actually!

To summarize, my recommendations for the best products to counter aging on the neck and chest include:

Pure Physical Spray Sunscreen SPF +50

Pure Physical Spray Sunscreen SPF +50

  1. A retinoid such as prescription tretinoin or my Retinol Anti-Wrinkle Night Cream
  2. Glycolic Acid as in my Body Skin Care Kit
  3. Zinc Oxide Sunscreen 356 days a year. My favorites for the neck and chest include my Pure Physical Sunscreen Spray, Citrix, and Solbar Zinc

Your question is so great I wanted to post it as part of our  “Ask Dr. Bailey” series. Thank you for your question!


Cynthia Bailey, MD, Board Certified Dermatologist

The information in the Dr. Bailey Skin Care web site, and related links, articles, newsletters and blogs, is provided for general information and educational purposes only. It is the opinion of Dr. Cynthia Bailey, or other indicated authors. Consult your physician or health care provider for any specific medical conditions or concerns you may have. (This also applies to patients in her medical practice; the information here is not a substitute for, or an extension of, the medical care she provides for you.) Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you have read here. Use the information and products on this site at your own risk. Use of this site indicates your agreement with these statements and the Terms and Conditions of If you do not agree to all of these Terms and Conditions of use, please do not use this site!

Ask Dr. Bailey: How to Treat Deep Vertical Chest Wrinkles is a post from: Dr. Bailey's Skin Care Blog

The post Ask Dr. Bailey: How to Treat Deep Vertical Chest Wrinkles appeared first on Dr. Bailey's Skin Care Blog.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Drugstore Matte Lipstick You Need To Try

I have always been a fan of the bold, fiery red lip, especially during the winter months when my skin looks dull and colorless. Adding an instant flush of warmth to my skin was made easy with a drugstore lipstick that glides on so smooth, you won’t believe it’s not high-end. NYX Cosmetics’ matte lipstick in the color Pure Red has made its way into my beauty bag, and for good reason.

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When I first got a hold of the classic shade I was skeptical about the color payoff considering the affordable price. But, the minute I glided the vibrant, warm, orange hued red onto my lips, I was met with a smooth, bold shade. No lip liner was required to make this classic red standout or glide on any easier—all it took was one stroke straight from the tube to get an instant bold lip.

The classic, sleek black packaging was also a major plus. The perfectly sized tube easily slides into your favorite clutch or crossbody bag for days when you need to carry your favorite lip color on the go.

Best of all, the super pigmented lipstick had no trouble staying put through lunch and my daily cup of coffee. I was shocked when I realized this matte shade wasn’t just long-lasting, it was also super hydrating. I was OK with ditching my go-to lip balm for the day.

If you’re not willing to make a bold statement with your lipstick, don’t worry because NYX’s matte lipstick comes in an array of shades from classic nude to striking plum and every shade in between. The next time you’re in need of a matte lipstick, do your wallet a favor and opt for this drugstore version that's so good your lips will thank you. 

All About Ayahuasca


So, last post, I shared some pretty personal stuff about how I was feeling extremely lonely, bored, and frustrated last summer, and it eventually led to a big freak out on my part.

Read that first, so you’re up to scruff here…

At the end of that post, I mentioned that Luke and I then went to South America together immediately after, and at the last minute decided to do ayahuasca together as a way to process, purge, and grow forward together and in ourselves after recent events.

What Is Ayahuasca?

Well, I spent a long time trying to figure how to tell you what it is with little success… so here’s an edited excerpt from wikipedia to give you the basic introduction.

Just to warn you that if you’re new to all this, this is all going to sound really friggin’ weird and out there. So bear with me.

Ayahuasca (said eye-a-wah-ska), is an entheogenic (and hallucinogenic) brew made out of the B. caapi vine, often in combination with various other plants. The brew is used as a traditional spiritual medicine in ceremonies among the indigenous people of Amazonian Peru, many of whom say that they received the instructions in its use directly from the plants and plant spirits themselves.

People who have consumed ayahuasca report having spiritual revelations regarding their purpose on earth, the true nature of the universe, as well as extremely deep insight into how to be the best person they can possibly be. This is viewed by many as a spiritual awakening and what is often described as a rebirth. In addition, it is often reported that individuals feel they gain access to higher spiritual dimensions and make contact with various spiritual or extra-dimensional beings who can act as guides or healers.

Author Don Jose Campos claims that people may experience profound positive life changes subsequent to consuming ayahuasca. The ripple effects of a powerful, mystical experience can potentially reverberate for the rest of an individual’s life span.

Vomiting can follow ayahuasca ingestion; this purging is considered by many shamans and experienced users of ayahuasca to be an essential part of the experience, as it represents the release of negative energy and emotions built up over the course of one’s life. Others report purging in the form of nausea, diarrhea, and hot/cold flashes.

Let’s Paint a Picture Here…

You head to Peru, to the Amazon jungle. Or in my case, the Andes mountains.

You go to an ayahuasca retreat, because you want to spiritually or emotionally heal in some way and make big headway on your own personal growth.

You are under the supervision of a shaman, a traditional plant doctor, who is there to spiritually guide your healing during the ceremony. And if it is a reputable place, there will also be nurses and other helpers there to make sure you are well taken care of on this journey.

You spend the day fasting, and then at 8 pm, you head into a dark hut in which you snuggle up in a sleeping bag and lie yourself down. There are usually quite a few people in the room with you, also snuggled in their sleeping bags, nervously awaiting what’s ahead.



A few ceremonial blessings and prayers occur, before you are dished up your serving of the most disgusting tasting brown sludge that ever existed. Seriously. I still have nightmares about the taste.

After choking that down, you lie back patiently for 40 minutes or so as you wait for it to kick in.

Next thing you know, you’re probably doubled over, throwing up in your ceremonial puke bucket. This is the purge… while it sounds awful (and it is), in ayahuasca this is always considered to be a good thing, as you are supposedly releasing everything spiritually, emotionally, and physically that isn’t serving you.

Once that happens, that’s generally when you are thrown in the deep end.

The room starts moving. Shapes start shifting. And for most people, when you close your eyes, you are now being transported to other dimensions, or deep deep inside your own mind and spirit.

Visions overtake; you see scenes unfold, spirit animals speaking to you. Spirits, God, the universe, and of course, your inner demons, all thrown at you from every direction.

It’s impossible to really say what’s going to happen to you when you take ayahuasca. Everyone’s experience is very different. Some people have the time of their life. Others experience hell on earth. Most experience some combination of the two.

The only certainty is that it’s going to be a wild ride. If you think you know what’s going to happen based on other people’s experiences, you’re wrong.

But for the Sake of Explanation…

It’s probably going to take you with a one way ticket to the deepest depths of your subconscious psyche. Completely bypassing the years of stories and beliefs and denial that you’ve heaped on top of it, to get straight to the truth.

And for the most part, you can expect for it to absolutely tear you apart. It brings you face to face with all your inner demons, your deepest fears, all the ugliest, nastiest shit about yourself.

It really is like a potent truth serum… all the terrifying things inside, the stuff you couldn’t bear to face… you are now being forced to face it in intense vividness and there is nowhere to run or hide.

And all the scary emotions that go along with this, well, they are amplified by a million. Every thought and emotion is extremely exaggerated.

It pummels you and pummels you with this, until you can’t stand it anymore.

So what’s the pay off?

It generally then starts putting you back together piece by piece. It may force you to face your biggest problems, but it also gives you incredible, unparalleled insight into their cause, shows you exactly what the solutions to them are, and how to move forward.

It is often described as “ten years of therapy in one go”

Luckily, many people feel overwhelming sense of universal peace and love at the end of the night (about four or so hours later). You may have just felt the worst you’ve ever felt, but then you feel the most blissful you’ve ever felt … pure love incarnate.

And by morning, when it’s all worn off, you feel like a revived human being. 100 times lighter. 100 times more clarity. Spiritually awakened, emotionally purged. A complete feeling of catharsis. And ready to do it again the next night.

When I First Heard About Ayahuasca

I first heard about Ayahuasca several years ago when I read this article in National Geographic. It definitely piqued my interest.

As a result of that particular article, ayahuasca is rapidly growing in popularity amongst westerners of all kinds because of its therapeutic effects. It purportedly heals where nothing else does, especially if your problems are of the mental, spiritual, or emotional persuasion.

And since we know that those ’emotional ilks’ can heavily contribute to physical problems, the healing can transcend to physical problems as well.

But it is generally best known for it’s miraculous abilities to aid the healing of things like depression, anxiety, addiction, eating disorders, grief, post traumatic stress disorder, as well as your run-of-the-mill emotional difficulties.

For me, when I heard about ayahuasca, I was in the middle of my own emotional healing journey (getting over the traumatic memories of my experience with severe acne), and, well, I’ll try anything once. I wouldn’t call myself even close to a highly spiritual person, but I am certainly open to exploring it.

And if it’s a possible fast track for self growth and emotional healing, well, I am for it.

So I filed away in my mind as something I would definitely try one day if the opportunity ever arose.

But Then I Moved On

Over time though, I kind of pushed it away. I found my own healing from the acne and its emotions, and everything started going really well in my life. I didn’t really feel like I was on a growth or healing journey anymore (well at least because nothing seemed to be going wrong at the moment!)

So I just kind of went… meh. I don’t need that.

At least right now.

I also wasn’t really sure about whether or not it was culturally cool, which was kind of turning me off.

Were white people going to the Amazon just to bastardize Amazonian traditions for their own gain? They probably are. That’s so white people.

In fact, due to these reservations (and despite my previous interest in ayahuasca), we had this trip booked to South America and we were a week out from going, and still had no plans to try it.

It wasn’t until I completely coincidentally spoke to a friend of mine within that week, who told me that her and her husband had done three ayahuasca ceremonies six months ago … and that she couldn’t recommend it highly enough.

She enthusiastically confirmed the common trope that it was like 10 years of therapy in the span of three days.

Since Luke and I had recently had all this drama and figured I had some things to process and heal from now…

Why not? Let’s do it. We’re literally going to Peru next week, and when will we ever go there again? It will be an amazing growth experience for us both to do together.

And in regard to the cultural concerns, I found out that young South Americans aren’t that interested in the traditions, and shamanism is a dying art… so western ayahuasca tourism is actually keeping it alive and allowing shamans to continue making a living from their practice.

So that made me feel better about it.

I got online and booked a retreat and off we went (I would highly recommend the place we did it, called Etnika’s; they were great).

And yes. It was a very wild ride.

Should You Do Ayahuasca?

A typical pre-ceremony scene

A typical pre-ceremony scene

I don’t know.

I had an extremely intense and difficult experience, so much more than I had ever imagined. And seemingly more awful than the others around me were having, all three nights.

But I certainly learned an insane amount of things about myself, that’s for sure.

They don’t lie when they say it’s a truth serum. It’ll show you the truth about your own shit, and show you the way forward, but it’s not going to be easy.

And at least for me, it was no magic healing bullet like is often reported. Don’t expect instant enlightenment or that it will magically fix your problems for you. It does show you where to go and what’s stopping you, but you still have to do the work. You have to meet it half way.

But anyway, over the next several posts I will let you in on all the details of my three Ayahuasca ceremonies, so you can decide for yourself (although remember that what happened to me doesn’t mean it’ll be anything like what happens for you).

One thing is for sure, I certainly wouldn’t recommend it unless you REALLY want to do it for your own self growth. Otherwise it could be totally traumatizing.

But luckily, you do have to really want it because it’s not like ayahuasca is an easy thing to just fall into. You have to go all the way to Peru.

See, it’s illegal in western countries because of similarities to the psychadelic drug DMT (despite ayahuasca’s similarities with certain psychadelic drugs… believe me… this is NOT something you do just for fun).

It’s not illegal in South America, as they are more open minded about the therapeutic potential of hallucinogenic substances in carefully controlled and safe environments.

Trained shamans do hold ceremonies in North America, and probably Europe too, but it’s more of a word of mouth kind of thing. You won’t find them advertising on google.

Anyway, if this is at all calling out to you right now, I suggest doing extensive reading on it before deciding you are ‘definitely doing this’. There are tons of blog posts all over the internet. Here is a great one from Elle magazine for a further introduction.

For more in depth reading, popular books are The Cosmic Serpent, or the really helpful one we read beforehand, Ayahuasca: A Test Pilot’s Handbook.

These books will answer all your questions such as “what is this stuff again?” “do people die or overdose from this?” “are there contraindications?” “how do I find a trained shaman and a reputable retreat?” and “is this really for me?”

And if you are thinking I am insane right now and would never ever ever do this, then great. Please don’t! Good self awareness!

Aaand, I’m out. Ask me whatever you want in the comments about ayahuasca itself, but I will save details of my own journey for next week.

The post All About Ayahuasca appeared first on The Love Vitamin.