Wednesday, November 25, 2015

"Modern Family" Star Reid Ewing Wishes He Never Got Plastic Surgery

For most of us, there’s something about ourselves we would like to fix. Whether it's changing the color of our hair or getting rid of cellulite, most women will attest to the fact that a little change can do a lot of good.

Before you consider any type of aesthetic procedure, be it surgery or a noninvasive procedure, it’s important to know why you’re doing it. If you’re looking to make a little tweak or fight signs of aging, that’s fine. But, if you suffer from body dysmorphic disorder (BDD is an illness where the patient is obsessed with the way they look), that’s a whole other story. Case in point: "Modern Family" actor Reid Ewing, who underwent years of plastic surgery including cheek implants, a chin implant, fillers and fat transfer, and now says, according to the Huffington Post, that he wish he hadn’t.

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According to the article, Ewing, who at the time was just starting out as an actor, believed that if he had one surgery he would suddenly look like Brad Pitt. His doctor agreed that surgery would be beneficial for his career and it was decided that large cheek implants would fix the concerns Ewing had with his face. A few weeks later, he was in the operating room, and once his surgery was complete, he woke up in excruciating pain. Ewing says he was also not told (ahead of time) that he would have to wear a full facial mask for two weeks during the recovery.

When the time came to reveal his results and remove all of his bandages, Ewing says it was nothing like what he had expected. His face was beyond swollen, and once the swelling finally went down, the results, he says, were horrendous, comparing the lower half of his cheeks to a corpse because they were that hollow.

Unhappy with the results, Ewing went back to the doctor that performed his surgery and asked for a revision procedure, but was told he would get used to the changes. Embarrassed by the way he looked, he stayed in isolation. He began seeking out other surgeons in hopes that he could fix what had been done. Eventually, he went down a path of multiple surgeries—one after another—each one causing a new problem that would need correction. And, of all the doctors who operated on him, not a single one requested a psychiatric evaluation or a history of any mental illness, two things that any board-certified plastic surgeon should be on the lookout for.

Years of this vicious cycle lead Ewing into depression, isolation and self-hate, which all became too much for him to handle. He vowed to never have another procedure done again despite the face that he was still insecure with the way he looked.

Today, Ewing says, that while plastic surgery isn’t always a bad thing and can help those who need it, he wishes he could go back and undo everything he did. 

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