Monday, December 21, 2015

Can Eating Red Meat Give You Body Odor?

If red meat is a big part of your diet, you may want to take a closer look at how it's affecting your body. Have you been feeling like every deodorant you try doesn't work, or doesn't last as long as you assumed it would? If so, it might not be the deodorant's fault, but rather your own body trying to signal to you that something is off and needs rebalancing. This, in large part, can stem from your diet—specifically, your intake of red meat (hamburgers, pork, lamb, etc.), and here's why.

“Your liver, kidneys, intestines and lymphatic system are all in charge of eliminating the toxins that are naturally created by the foods you eat. These organs can lose their ability to effectively rid your body of toxicity if they become overworked, which causes toxins to be pushed out through your skin, promoting body odor,” explains holistic nutritionist Nilli Grutman. Although everyone has a different body chemistry, red meat can be difficult to digest, giving bad bacteria a playground to wreak havoc. “This will cause the body to emit a foul smell,” she adds.

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What to do about it: Because an overworked liver can’t efficiently process fats and toxins, it needs a little relief in order to regain proper function. To let your liver reset itself, Grutman says to ease off the red meat and increase your intake of liver-cleansing foods such as citrus fruits and dark leafy greens.

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