Monday, December 7, 2015

Da Vinci Lips: The Biggest Lip Trend of 2016?

If 2015 was the year of extreme beauty—waist training, clown contouring, Kylie Jenner lips, then 2016 might be the return to a more classic type of beauty.

At least that’s what one British doctor, Tim Pearce, is hoping will take off. Inspired by the Mona Lisa, Pearce has developed a lip treatment formula he calls “Da Vinci lips.” According to his practice website, the treatment analyzes “your lip proportions in relation to your nose, jaw, chin and using Da Vinci’s [Golden Ratio], plan a treatment that makes your lips fit beautifully.”

Da Vinci’s Golden Ratio—1 to 1.618—is a proportion that many Renaissance artists considered perfection when found in the human physique. In modern day terms, the ratio has to do with symmetry and balance—the size and distance of facial or body features in relation to each other. A woman's waist-to-hip ratio that follows the Golden Ratio, for example, is widely considered to be ideal.

Dr. Pearce explains to The Daily Mail that he developed the treatment based on the rules of anatomical proportion. “Leonardo da Vinci was one of the first people to realize that facial proportions are not arbitrary, that there is a mathematical ideal ratio and geometry for beauty, outside of which it become less attractive. The Da Vinci Lip Enhancement treatment uses these ideal proportions to finely tailor each treatment to the existing features. This principle, otherwise known as the "golden ratio", enables us to ensure that patients look more beautiful, rather than just get bigger lips that might not fit their existing facial proportions.”

It’s up for debate if the exacting proportions of the Golden Ratio truly does create the most beautiful face. Many celebrities widely accepted as beautiful, such as Angelina Jolie, don’t have faces that follow the Golden Ratio and some studies have shown a face that follows the Golden Ratio isn’t always perceived as the most attractive. But one thing is clear, regardless of a mathematical formula, lips that are proportionate and balanced on the face look more natural and better than if they’re overinflated.

According to his site, Dr. Pearce's Da Vinci lip treatment uses Juvéderm VOLIFT and lasts up to a year.

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