Monday, January 25, 2016

Can You Live Without Your Acne?

Time and again with clients I see them getting clearer and clearer skin and then right before full healing there is a moment of self-sabotage and the acne returns or the acne just continues to persist at a low level. Why does this happen?

After ticking all the boxes on the physical side, I delve deeper into the emotional and mental side of acne and it starts to become clear that it is because they are afraid of what it means to live with clear skin. This can happen with any condition, not just acne, when it is used as an excuse to not follow their dreams.

Have you ever told yourself not to do something because of your acne? Are you really just afraid to do it? It’s your dream and what if it doesn’t work out so isn’t it easier to use acne as an excuse to not try at all? 

Have you ever told yourself: When I have clear skin I’ll be able to do it? And so you put it off. Living without your acne could mean living a fulfilled and happy life.

I used my acne and my IBS to hide and play small. Playing big scared me to death. What if I failed? What if people laughed at me?

Guess what? There are plenty of people WITH acne achieving their dreams. The two are not mutually exclusive. Is it time to stop letting your acne define what you do?

Isn’t time to do it anyway? 

The funny thing is, if you do it anyway, often the acne clears itself up – just like that. Because you’ve stopped using it as an excuse and mentally clinging to it and the body releases it.

So why not kick 2016 off by doing it anyway and see what happens to your acne!

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