Friday, January 29, 2016

Change Your Body with Body Contouring


Are you struggling to remove stubborn body fat that seems to mock all of your most rigorous exercise routines? Is there one area that just seems to poke at your ego constantly and it’s kicking your self-esteem down with it?

If the answer is yes, you should really consider body contouring with Carr Dermatology, and see how you can finally achieve that ideal body you’ve been yearning for!

Why Body Contouring is Perfect for You

Just like people, body contouring can come in all shapes and sizes, from invasive procedures that require prolonged recovery, to quick 25-minute treatments like SculpSure which require no downtown at all. Depending on your own preference, and with the help of our staff, you can pick and choose the type of treatments that will work best for you.

With body contouring for fat reduction, you finally have the ability to beat the stubborn-fat-blues, achieve visible results, and regain the confidence to show the world just how perfect your body can be.

Body Contouring with Carr Dermatology

If you are looking for more traditional liposuction for your fat reduction, Dr. Carr offers tumescent liposuction. This is area-specific liposuction that removes your targeted fat deposits. With the assistance of local anesthetics that numb the targeted tissue, Dr. Carr is able to remove the fat from your body.

This type of liposuction does result in bruising and some soreness following the procedure; however, your results are dramatic. Patients typically require five to seven days of downtime following this procedure.

But wait, there’s more!

If you’re looking for an option that requires no anesthetics and no downtime Carr Dermatology offers a brand new procedure that may be just right for you!

SculpSure is a new body contouring technique that is non-invasive and utilizes targeted laser energy to heat up and melt away stubborn body fat.

While you sit comfortably, SculpSure goes to work targeting your stubborn body fat and destroying the cells for good. There is no pain, no bruising or bandages, and no downtime required.

SculpSure gives you gradual, natural looking results that will make your friends and family think you have been hitting it hard at the gym! Results are fully visible in 12-weeks.

What more info?

Dr. Pamela Carr has openings available for your consultation and will help you decide which style of body contouring will work best for you. Check out more info on our webpage at or call us today at (832) 500-7076. If you are ready to book your consult now, you can click here to set up your appointment!

The post Change Your Body with Body Contouring appeared first on Carr Dermatology.

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