Monday, February 1, 2016

Cindy Crawford Says Goodbye to Modeling

She’s one of the most beautiful women in the world. Cindy Crawford, one of the original supermodels, has plans to put her long running modeling career behind her come later this month.

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The mother of two, who turns 50 years old on February 20, has told United Airlines’ Hemispheres magazine that once she hits 50, she won’t have her photos taken as a model anymore.

"I feel like I'm allowing that to have been great, and I'm celebrating it. And I’m sure I'll have my picture taken for 10 more years, but not as a model anymore. And that's OK. I've done it. I’ve worked with all these incredible photographers. What else do I need to do? I can't keep reinventing myself. I shouldn't have to keep proving myself. I don't want to."

While we don’t suspect that you won’t see photos of the 5-foot-9-inch beauty, they just won’t be the stylized and editorialized ones that America has come to love over the years.

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