Friday, February 5, 2016

Fat Removal – When Diet & Exercise Are Not Enough

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Whether you are looking for weight loss solutions or just fat loss, there are many options available to you in today’s world. But some of these options require some “sweat” on your part, while others may require more money.

All jokes aside, the truth is that the main ways to change the overall appearance of your body are: diet and exercise, weight loss surgery, and body contouring.

Diet and Exercise Vs Medical Procedures

So let’s be real. Diet and exercise are critical to living a healthy lifestyle. Taking care of yourself should be our top priority. This includes eating a healthy, balanced diet, getting regular exercise, getting restful sleep, avoiding smoking or excessive alcohol use, and finding healthy ways to deal with stress.

Whether you realize it or not, all of these factors will play a role in the amount of body fat you possess, and in the amount of effort required to achieve fat loss.

Weight loss surgery is for extreme weight loss only. Define extreme? Typically, people seeking weight loss are looking to lose up to 100 pounds when considering the Lap Band procedure, and more than 100 pounds when considering a Gastric Bypass.

These are serious surgeries and are only meant for individuals who are dealing with serious health risks related to their obesity.

As for Those Stubborn Areas…

Medical procedures and treatments, such as tumescent liposuction (surgical) and SculpSure (non-invasive laser procedure) are for areas of fat that are stubborn and resistant to diet and exercise. The areas that don’t seem to respond to traditional weight reduction methods and need extra help to be conquered.

The Difference Between Weight Loss, Fat Loss and Fat Removal:

  • Weight loss – a choice to live a healthier lifestyle (diet/exercise/stress) with a goal of reducing your overall weight
  • Fat loss – reduction of the total amount of body fat through either healthier lifestyle choices or through a medical treatment
  • Fat removal – lessening the total number of fat cells found in the body through a medical procedure
    • Types of fat removal
      • Suction (invasive)
      • Heat/Melting
      • Cold/Freeze

Figure Out What Works for You

We all have different lifestyles, varying budgets, and only so much time on our hands. Some people can dedicate an hour or two a day to working out with no time constraints to worry about. Other people are lucky to fit in 30 minutes for a quick work out a few days a week.

And let us not forget those people who would probably fall asleep instantly if they actually found themselves with an extra 15 minutes in their day that wasn’t already taken up with work, school, family, volunteer commitments, and everything else under the sun.

We get it. Life is busy.

And even still, working out an hour a day will not guarantee that you will not have stubborn fat somewhere on your body that becomes your nemesis despite all of your efforts.

And what do you do with stubborn fat? Call us!

Schedule your consult with Dr. Pamela Carr and the Carr Dermatology team, and let us help you overcome your stubborn fat!

The post Fat Removal – When Diet & Exercise Are Not Enough appeared first on Carr Dermatology.

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