Thursday, February 4, 2016

New Year’s Resolution Slump? Don’t Give Up! (Recipe Included)

NY Slump_Main

Keeping New Year’s resolutions can be tough. It’s great to put a date on the calendar to start reaching for a goal that’s important to you, but it takes a great deal of willpower to stick to your plans when you have years of habits to change. Don’t give up though! Falling off the wagon doesn’t mean your efforts to change are done. It just means dusting yourself off and getting back up again.

It takes courage, but you can do it! Get yourself hooked into a support group of like-minded people who will encourage you along the way – it will make a world of difference to have someone there cheering you on.

If boosting your health by eating right is your New Year’s Resolution, we are right there with you! If you started our 30 Day challenge with us last month, and you’re starting to lose resolve and drift away from your goal, we have just the recipe to help. Healthy and satiating with good-for-you fat, this Miso Marinated Sea Bass is a definite crowd-pleaser to get you back on the wagon!

You can find this and other recipes for Dr. Bailey’s Mediterranean Alkaline Diet when you download her free guide here, where she explains why she changed her lifestyle and how it can positively impact your skin, among other things. For more inspiration, you can check out our Alkaline recipes Pinterest board. Or, if you’re struggling with how to add more veggies to your diet, check out Cooking Light’s tips.

Miso Bass Recipe Card

Have you found any recipes that you love with the Mediterranean Alkaline Diet? Share with us, so we can pass along any helpful information with others who are in the same boat as you are!

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New Year’s Resolution Slump? Don’t Give Up! (Recipe Included) is a post from: Dr. Bailey's Skin Care Blog

The post New Year’s Resolution Slump? Don’t Give Up! (Recipe Included) appeared first on Dr. Bailey's Skin Care Blog.

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