Friday, December 11, 2015

Why Celebs Are Now Botoxing Their Hands

It’s often said that the hands are the best indicator of age. Google the term “Madonna hands” and you’ll find a collection of images that feature the star’s aging hands, which appear much older than her face and body. Despite the best efforts to reverse the effects of aging on your face, your hands can be betray you and tell a completely different story. Hand rejuvenation is not a new concept, but the need for noninvasive anti-aging treatments specifically for the hands is on the rise. Many doctors on the west coast are seeing an increase in celebrity patients requesting Botox, dermal fillers and laser resurfacing treatments to fight wrinkles, age spots and volume loss on the hands, a trend they’re calling the “Hollywood hand job.”

While it’s easy to treat the aging skin on your face, it’s a lot more difficult to prevent your hands from aging at a rapid rate. “Hands are a frequently forgotten body part,” says Norwalk, CT, dermatologist Deanne Mraz Robinson, MD. “We tend to be diligent about protecting our face with sunblock, but we forget about protecting our hands. The exposure to UV rays year-round can lead to premature aging, wrinkling, crepiness of the skin, volume loss and age spots.”

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New York dermatologist Julie Russak, MD says Botox and fillers can help restore the youthful appearance of your hands in the same way they treat the skin on your face. “Dermal fillers can restore the volume loss and give the appearance of youthful, plump skin. They can also help to mask the appearance of veiny, grandmotherly looking hands. Botox can relax the band lines along your wrists and decrease sweating on the palms.”

Lasers and light therapy eliminates discoloration and the appearance of uneven age spots. “Treating and removing the brown spots, or liver spots, with a pigment driven laser, such as the Fraxel Dual, can help rejuvenate the appearance of the hands,” says Dr. Mraz Robinson. Results are instantaneous and Botox and fillers can last up to six months. As award season nears, celebrities can proudly display their smooth, wrinkle free hands front and center on the red carpet without fear of showing their true age. 

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