Sunday, January 3, 2016

Khloé Kardashian Reveals the Real Reason She Completely Transformed Her Body

Two years ago, Khloé Kardashian was living an unhealthy life and was the complete antithesis of who she is physically today. In an effort to relieve some major stress, Khloé’s workouts lead to a hard-core commitment, which turned into what she calls a love for and obsession with the gym that’s more about mind, body and soul than vanity. 

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“I was blessed with a lot of confidence, so even though there have been so many times that I have been labeled as fat or ugly, I never really felt that way. I was content saying, ‘Oh, I’m big-boned,’ or whatever my excuses were. My whole body transformation kind of just happened. I didn’t even set out to change my body at first. I really needed an emotional release and the physical results of working out came as a side effect of relieving the stress.” Once she started seeing muscles pop up out of nowhere, she was motivated. “I was like, OK, I want to keep this up. Those beginning changes were motivation in and of itself.”

For more, pick up the issue on January 5 on newsstands everywhere.

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